Genies' Jottings

and lists
and more lists

World War I - Rolls of Honour

From: The Auckland Weekly News

This magazine is recorded on microfilm and can be accessed at the Auckland City Library. Commencing with lists transcribed from May, 1915 to October, 1915. See notes and abbreviations.

Please see names according to literal spelling, e.g. von Strummer is currently to be found under VON, Lack of time to index all correctly is both the reason and excuse for this abberation. :-)

A - Allcox
   Allen - Anthony   Aperahama - Ayton

Back - Barling   Barlow - Bazatt   Beable - Bennetts    Bennington - Black
Blackall - Boothby   Bordson - Brant   Brassel - Broomfield 
Brosnaham - Buchard   Buckingham - Byrych

Cable - Capstick   Carbines - Cecil   Challis - Claridge   Clark - Codyre
Coe - Conway   Cook - Coveny   Cowan - Critchley   Crockett - Cwan

Dabell - Dayson   De Blois - Dewsnap   Di - Drewet   Driffill - Dyson

Eades - E   Ellice - Eyles

Fabian - Filtness   Fimeri - Fix   Flaherty - Frame   France - Fyffe

Gabites - Gettle  Gibb - Gollop   Gooch - Grantham
Gray - Grigg   Grimmer - Gynes

Haar - Hanan   Hanan - Harrex   Harris - Haxell   Hay - Hersant
Heslip - Hodson   Hoff - Horwell   Hosgen - Hulton   Hume - Hyslop

Ibbotson - Ives

Jack - Jenson   Jepson - Jolly   Jones - Justin

Kaaka - Keppely   Ker - Kyle

La Frentz - Lyther   Le Gallais - Leyland   Liddell - Loper   Lord - Lyttle

Maber - Mann   Manners - Maslin   Mason - McBurney   McCabe - McDonald
McDonnell - McInerney   McInnes - McKinney   McKinnon - McMenamin
McMillan - Megaffin
    Meier - Milling   Mills - Mooney   Moore - Morrison
Morrissey - Muntz  
Murch - Myusgrave  

Nabbs - Ngatipehi   Niall- Nyhane

O'Connor - Olds   O'Leary - Ozley

Paaske - Partridge   Pascoe - Peary    Peat - Philson
Picard - Potvine
   Poulson - Pyle

Quaid - Quirk

Race- Reichart   Reid - Rickman    Riddell - Robieson
Robins - Rosie
   Ross - Ryland

Sabine - Scobie   Scollick - Sharrock   Shaw - Simion   Simm - Smale
Small - Smith   Smithers - Stanley   Stannard - Stile
Stinson - Sutherland
   Sutton - Syson

Taewa - Tellis   Temera - Thwaites   Tibby - Trusler   Tua - Tyrie

Underwood - Utting

Vaileley - Virtue / von Strurmer

Waara - Walpole   Walsh - Watstaff   Watt - Westrupp   Weatherell - Willacy
Willcocks - Willstead   Wilson - Wirepa   Wise - Wyse

Yates - Yule     Zuppicich

King's Birthday List
of honours granted to service personnel.

Transcribed: January - June, 2001 by Jackie Walles, New Zealand


June, 2001