Lists and lists and more lists |
War I - Rolls of Honour From:
The Auckland Weekly News This
magazine is recorded on microfilm and may be accessed at the Auckland City Library.
with lists published from May, 1915 to October, 1915. See
notes and abbreviations.
January - June, 2001 by Jackie Walles,
New Zealand |
ELLICE, Peter | | Returning
wounded Willochra | Engineers | 21st Oct 1915 | |
ELLICOTT | Pte | Dist.Hosp.,
Ak: knee injury | | 22nd
Jul 1915 | |
ELLICOTT, R G | | Convalescent | Field
Art | 22nd Jul 1915 | |
ELLICOTT, Reginald
George | Sergeant | NZGH
Pont de Koubbeh, Cairo Oct 5 | Artillery | 14th
Oct 1915 | Mrs A Ellicott,
Gosport, England | ELLIE,
G | | Malta,
slightly sick | Ak Batt | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
ELLINGHAM, Claude | | Rptd
missing Aug 8, now bel.killed | WIB | 16th
Sep 1915 | F: Alf Ellingham,
Pacific Hotel, Hastings | ELLIOT,
A H | | Conv.
At Alexandria | Cty Batt | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
Gen Hosp, Cairo, dang. Ill | Engineers | 9th
Sep 1915 | |
Bryan | | Admitted
to hospital | WIB | 30th
Sep 1915 | James Elliot,
Drumawark, England | ELLIOT,
Walter Chas | | Wounded,
thigh | CMR | 23rd
Sep 1915 | F: Thomas Elliot,
Budgett, Bristol | ELLIOT,
William | | Wounded | Wgtn
Inf.Batt | May 20, 1915 | F:
W E Elliott, P.O., Blenheim | ELLIOTT,
Atwell Alex'r | | Wounded
July 24, arm | Div Train | 12th
Aug 1915 | M: Mrs C J Elliott,
247 *****ford St, Wellington | ELLIOTT,
E B | | Removed
from dangerusly ill list | Field
Engrs | 30th Sep 1915 | |
ELLIOTT, John | Pte | Wounded | Canty
Inf Bn | May 13, 1915 | J
Elliott, Runanga, Greymouth | ELLIOTT,
John | | In
hospital, Chaif El Kom | Cty
Batt | 22nd Jul 1915 | |
Bryens | | Rptd
missing Aug 8 | WIB | 16th
Sep 1915 | James Elliott,
Dramawark, Ireland | ELLIS
G | | Disch.hosp.
Now at Alexandria Base | Ak
Inf Btn | June 10, 1915 | |
ELLIS, F R | Private | Disembarked
at Malta | Ak Batt | 08th
Jul 1915 | |
ELLIS, F R | | St
Andrews Hosp, Malta, convalescent | Ak
Batt | 15th Jul 1915 | |
ELLIS, G | | Hospital,
Hampstead | Ak Batt | 14th
Oct 1915 | |
ELLIS, G | Private | Wounded | AIB | May
13, 1915 | M: Mrs Ellis,
4 Apsley St, Hyde Park Rd, Leeds, England | ELLIS,
G E | | Disembarked
at Malta, sick | AMR | 7th
Oct 1915 | |
ELLIS, G E | | Embarked
for England | AMR | 21st
Oct 1915 | |
ELLIS, Gardner | | Dd
of sunstroke June 17 Egyptian Hosp | Wgn
Mtd Rfl | June 24, 1915 | F:
G Ellis, Stonehaven, Scotland | ELLIS,
George | | Convalescent | Ak
Inf Btn | June 17, 1915 | Mrs
Ellis, Apsley St, Hyde Park Rd, Leeds, Yorks |
ELLIS, Gerald Edward | | Wounded | AMR | 9th
Sep 1915 | M: Mrs Ellis,
Marlborough, Wiltshire, England | ELLIS,
H | Private | Slightly
wounded, disemb.Malta | CIB | 08th
Jul 1915 | |
ELLIS, Howard | | Wounded
| Cty Inf Btn | June
24, 1915 | F: Robert Ellis,
Brightwater, Nelson | ELLIS,
Howard | | Wounded,
Netley Hosp., England | CIB | 5th
Aug 1915 | Robert Ellis,
Brightwater, Nelson | ELLIS,
Howard | | Valleta
Hosp, Malta, prog.satis. | CMR | 15th
Jul 1915 | |
ELLIS, Howard | | Emb.for
England July 17 | Cty Batt | 29th
Jul 1915 | |
ELLIS, J M | L/Cpl | Ex
hosp ship Ionian Sept 1 | WMR | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
ELLIS, J M | | Hospital,
Hampstead | Wgn Batt | 14th
Oct 1915 | |
ELLIS, J W | Sergeant | Gen
Hosp, Alexandria, Aug 21 | Field
Amb | 9th Sep 1915 | |
ELLIS, J W | Sergeant | Returned
to the front ex Alexandria | Field
Amb | 7th Oct 1915 | |
ELLIS, P | | Wounded | Xferred
from Ak Inf.Batt Field Engrs | May
27, 1915 | Susan L Ellis,
Seddon Ave,Waihi | ELLIS,
R J | L/Cpl | Wounded | Aus
Forces | 16th Sep 1915 | |
ELLIS, R J | L/Cpl | Wounded
6-9 August | (4th Batt)
Aus Forces | 23rd Sep 1915 | Mrs
R Ellis, Nelson | ELLIS,
Reuben William | Corporal | Died
of enteric July 21 | Cty
Inf | 5th Aug 1915 | |
ELLIS, Reuben
William | | Wounded
June 22 | CIB | 15th
Jul 1915 | F: Wm Ellis, Oliver's
Rd, Linwood, Christchurch | ELLIS,
Reuben William | | Dangerously
ill, July 10 | CIB | 22nd
Jul 1915 | F:William Ellis,
79 Ollwors Rd, Linwood, Christchurch | ELLIS,
Sydney Robert | | Wounded
Aug 8 | OIB | 9th
Sep 1915 | R H Ellis, 17
Aysland Rd, Kelburne | ELLIS,
T J | Sergeant | Wounded,
disemb. Malta | Wgn Batt | 16th
Sep 1915 | |
ELLIS, T J | Sergeant | Hospital,
Manchester | Wgn Batt | 21st
Oct 1915 | |
ELLIS, Thomas | | Died
of wounds | OIB | 9th
Sep 1915 | F: John Ellis,
Mosgiel | ELLIS,
Trevor John | Sergeant | Wounded | WIB | 9th
Sep 1915 | F: John Ellis,
Role St, New Plymouth | ELLIS,
W C | | Hospital,
Liverpool | Wgn Batt | 14th
Oct 1915 | |
ELLIS, W H | Sergeant | King
George's Hospital, London | Otago
Batt | 23rd Sep 1915 | |
ELLIS, William
Charles | | Wounded | WIB | 9th
Sep 1915 | F: Colonel Ellis,
New Plymouth | ELLIS,
William Charles | | Wounded,
shoulder | WIB | 16th
Sep 1915 | F: Colonel Ellis,
New Plymouth | ELLISDON | Lieutenant | Wounded,
London, prog.favourably | Ak
Batt | 9th Sep 1915 | |
Joseph H | Lieutenant | Wounded | AIB | 16th
Aug 1915 | F J H Ellisdon,
Kingsland, Auckland | ELLISON,
A | | Malta
ex hosp ship Georgien Aug 27 | OMR | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
ELLISON, A E | | Hospital,
Birmingham | OMR | 14th
Oct 1915 | |
ELLISON, Piri | | Returning
wounded Willochra | Maori
Cont | 21st Oct 1915 | Waikanae |
ELLISON, Piri | | 1st
Aus Gen Hosp Heliopolis | Maori
Inf | 16th Aug 1915 | Hera
Ellison, Waikanae | ELLWOOD,
A T | Pte | Wounded,
svg with Australian forces | | June
3, 1915 | |
ELMSLIE, H B | | Invalided
to London | CMR | 12th
Aug 1915 | |
ELMSLIE, Hamilton
Burns | | Wounded | Cty
Mtd Rifle | June 17, 1915 | W
B S Elmslie, Geraldine | ELMSLIE,
James McGregor | Major | KIA | | 16th
Aug 1915 | W: Mrs James Elmslie,
Coogee, NSW | ELSMORE,
B T | Corporal | In
London, progressing favourably | AMR | 16th
Sep 1915 | |
ELSMORE, B T | Corporal | Emb.for
England ex Malta, Aug 8 | AMR | 19th
Aug 1915 | |
ELSOM, C H | L/Cpl | Slightly
sick | Field Engrs | 16th
Sep 1915 | |
ELSON, John | | Wounded | WMR | 30th
Sep 1915 | F: H H Elson,
Takapau | ELSTON,
William Allan | | KIA | OMR | 2nd
Sep 1915 | F: Chas H Elston,
Georgetown, Oamaru | ELSTONE,
A | | Suffolk
Hall Hosp, Cheltenham | OMR | 30th
Sep 1915 | |
ELSTONE, A E | | Malta
ex hosp ship Georgien Aug 27 | OMR | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
ELSTONE, J A | | Sick/wdd,
Greek Hosp., Alexandria | Otago
Btn | June 10, 1915 | |
ELSTONE, J A | | Recovered
- returned to the Front | Otago
Batt | 12th Aug 1915 | |
A | | Discharged
from hosp., convalescent | Otago
Inf Btn | June 24, 1915 | |
Albert | | Wounded | Otago
Inf Btn | June 17, 1915 | L
C H Elstone, Greytown | EMERSON,
Percy Tivy | Lieut | KIA
Dardanelles | Wgn Mtd Rfl | June
10, 1915 | Mrs Lilian Emerson,
Crescent Rd, Roseneath, Wgtn | EMITA,
M | | 2nd
Wstn Gen Hosp, Manchester | | 7th
Oct 1915 | |
EMMETT, R | Pte | Returned
from Egypt, med. Unfit | | June
10, 1915 | |
EMSON, Alfred
Charles | | Wounded | Wgtn
Inf.Batt | May 20, 1915 | Mrs
Emson, St Albans Cres, Bournemouth, England |
ENDEAN, Arthur Stanley | | Died
of wounds 25 June 1915 | WMR | 08th
Jul 1915 | F: John Endean,
Jermyn St, Auckland | ENERSEN,
John Christian | | Missing
betw. 25 April - 13 May | Ak
Inf Btn | June 24, 1915 | F:
John Marcus Enersen, Nixon St, Hamilton | ENGALL,
G H S | | Clearing
Hospital, Eastleigh | WMR | 28th
Oct 1915 | |
ENGALL, Geo Henry
S | | Rptd
wounded, arm | WMR | 2nd
Sep 1915 | Mrs S Engall,
Thompson St, Wellington | ENGLAND,
J A | Sergeant | Wounded | OIB | May
6, 1915 | |
Ashley | Pte | Wounded,
First Southern Gnl Hosp, Birmingham | Otago
Btn | June 3, 1915 | |
ENGLAND, T R | | Malta,
slightly sick | Ak Batt | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
ENGLAND, T R | | 1st
Sthn GH Birmingham | Ak
Batt | 7th Oct 1915 | |
ENGLISH, C | | 1st
Sthn GH Birmingham | OMR | 7th
Oct 1915 | |
ENGLISH, Charles | Sergeant | Rptd
wounded Aug 27 | OMR | 23rd
Sep 1915 | Charles Henry
English, Escopl, Natal, South Africa | ENGLISH,
Geo | | Wounded
returning from Egypt Tahiti | CIB | 2nd
Sep 1915 | |
ENGLISH, George | | Wounded/sick,
returned to NZ | CIB | 16th
Sep 1915 | |
ENNIS, William
Oliver | Capt Adj | Wounded | Maori
Cont | 23rd Sep 1915 | W:
S L Ennis c/o W H Whittaker, Thames St, Invercargill |
ENNOR, John Vivian | | Wounded,
leg | WIB | 16th
Aug 1915 | J S T Ennor, 133
Carlyle St, Napier | ENRIGHT,
T E | | Convalescent,
Alexandria | OMR | 7th
Oct 1915 | |
Herbert | | KIA,
April 30 | Ak Inf Btn | June
17, 1915 | M: Mrs W Payne,
Pollen St, Thames | ENTWISLE,
W A | | 1st
Sthn Gen Hosp, Birmingham | ASC | 30th
Sep 1915 | |
Albert | | Wounded
Aug 27, doing duty | Div
Train | 30th Sep 1915 | F:
W H Entwisle,Devonport | ENWRIGHT,
Francis Bernard | | Rptd
wounded May 14: Dangerously ill | Ak
Inf.Batt | May 27, 1915 | M:
Mrs K N Enwright, Tairua | ENWRIGHT,
Francis Bernard | | Rptd
wounded May 14; seriously ill May 21; d.Heliopolis | Ak
Inf.Batt | June 3, 1915 | F:
F Enwright, Tairau | ENWRIGHT,
Francis Bernard | | Wounded
| Ak Inf.Batt | May
20, 1915 | F: F Enwright,
Percy | Corporal | KIA | WIB | 2nd
Sep 1915 | Michael Enwright,
Gippsland, Victoria | ERICKSEN,
Alfred George | L/Cpl | KIA | WMR | 2nd
Sep 1915 | M: Mrs C Ericksen,
Mauriceville, Wellington | ERICKSEN,
W C | | Clearing
Hospital, Eastleigh | Otago
Batt | 28th Oct 1915 | |
ERIVIN, G | | Wounded
returning from Egypt Tahiti | CIB | 2nd
Sep 1915 | |
ERLAIN, Harry | | Pont
de Koubbeh hosp.Cairo | Ak
Btn | June 24, 1915 | |
ERLAM, H | | Returned
to Egypt from London | Ak
Batt | 21st Oct 1915 | |
ERLAM, H | Private | Military
Hospital, Exeter | AIB | 08th
Jul 1915 | |
ERLAM, Harry | Pte | Wounded
| Ak Inf.Batt | May
20, 1915 | M: Mrs E Erlam,
Stock Farm, Ashley, Cheshire, Eng | ERRIDGE,
H E | Sgt Major | 21st
Genl Hosp.Alexandria 30 June | OIB | 08th
Jul 1915 | |
ERSKINE, Fred | | Rptd
wounded Aug 21 | CMR | 23rd
Sep 1915 | Robert Campbell
Erskine, Richmond, Nelson | ERSON,
N G L | | Adm.
Pont Koubba Hospital | Field
Engrs | 5th Aug 1915 | |
ERWIN, John | | Wounded/sick,
returned to NZ | CIB | 16th
Sep 1915 | |
ERWIN, John | Private | Seriously
wounded | CIB | May
13, 1915 | Rev H Erwin, Christchurch |
ERWOOD, C W | | Disemb.Malta,
slightly sick | Artillery | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
ESDICH | | Wounded
returning from Egypt Tahiti | CIB | 2nd
Sep 1915 | |
ESDICH | | Wounded/sick,
returned NZ | OIB | 16th
Sep 1915 | |
ESPIE, W C | | Conv.
At Alexandria | OMR | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
ESPINER, F C | | Embarked
for England | WIB | 12th
Aug 1915 | |
ESTCOURT, W | | Convalescent,
Alexandria | Med Corps | 14th
Oct 1915 | |
EURLEY, William | | | Wgn
Inf Btn | June 10, 1915 | Hugh
Eurley, carpenter, New Plymouth | EUSTACE,
Alfred | | Died
of disease Aug 21,pneumonia | WIB | 9th
Sep 1915 | F: John Eustace,
Ohingaiti | EUSTACE,
Alfred | | Wounded | WIB | 9th
Sep 1915 | F: John Eustace,
Ohingaiti | EUSTACE,
O H | | 17th
Gen Hosp, Alexandria | ASC | 30th
Sep 1915 | |
EVA, John | Sgt
Major | Adm.Egon Koubya Hosp
27 June 1915 | Maori Cont | 08th
Jul 1915 | |
EVANS | Sapper | Wounded,
London, Aug 23 | Engineers | 9th
Sep 1915 | |
EVANS, C A | | Hospital,
Manchester | CMR | 21st
Oct 1915 | |
EVANS, Charles
August | | Thigh,
19th Gen.Hosp. Alexandria | CMR | 19th
Aug 1915 | Mrs Alice M Evans,
Commercial Rd, London | EVANS,
D | | 1st
Sthn GH, Birmingham | Otago
Batt | 30th Sep 1915 | |
EVANS, E D | | King
George's Hospital, London | WMR | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
EVANS, Edward
Dare | | Wounded | Canty
Inf.Batt | May 20, 1915 | M:
Mary Elizabeth Legh Evans, Nelson | EVANS,
Edward Dare | Sgt | Died
of Wounds, Dardanelles | Ctby
Inf Btn | June 10, 1915 | M:
Mary Elizabeth Legh Evans, Nelson | EVANS,
Edward Douglas | | Wounded | WMR | 9th
Sep 1915 | Elizabeth Evans,
Regan St, Stratford | EVANS,
Edwin Clement | | Deaconess
Hosp, Alexandria | Wgn
Btn | June 17, 1915 | J
H Evans, cnr Russell St, Gisborne | EVANS,
F C | | Hospital,
Portsmouth | Cty Batt | 21st
Oct 1915 | |
EVANS, F J | | King
George's Hospital, London | AIB | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
EVANS, Fredk
James | | Wounded | AIB | 9th
Sep 1915 | F: Joseph Evans,
Jnr, Kouhora | EVANS,
George D | | Sick/wounded,
going to England | Otago
Batt | 23rd Sep 1915 | |
EVANS, Gup Rupert(sic) | | Wounded
July 19 | Field Engrs | 12th
Aug 1915 | F: Joseph Evans,
63 North Rd, Papanui,Christchurch | EVANS,
Gup Rupert(sic) | Corporals | Disemb.Malta
hosp.ship Sicilia | Field
Engrs | 19th Aug 1915 | |
EVANS, H | | King
George's Hospital, London | AIB | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
EVANS, Henry | | Wounded,
shoulder | AIB | 16th
Sep 1915 | B: C E Evans,
borough engineer, Opotiki | EVANS,
Henry Theodore | Sergeant | Wounded,
arm, (2nd) | AMR | 16th
Aug 1915 | F: W H Penhrys-Evans,
Bombay, Auckland | EVANS,
J A | | Malta
ex hosp ship Georgien Aug 27 | OMR | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
EVANS, John Michael
Winter | | Rptd
missing | CMR | 23rd
Sep 1915 | M: Phoebe Theresa
Evans, Cashmere Hills, Christchurch | EVANS,
R F | | Convalescent,
Alexandria | Otago Batt | 14th
Oct 1915 | |
EVANS, W A | | Convalescent,
Alexandria | Ak Batt | 7th
Oct 1915 | |
EVANS, W D J | | Hospital,
Portsmouth | Wgn Batt | 28th
Oct 1915 | |
EVANS, Walter | | Rptd
missing Aug 6 | OIB | 23rd
Sep 1915 | F: Richard Robt
Evans, Springfield, Canterbury | EVERED,
A J | | Wounded,
London, prog.favourably | Ak
Batt | 9th Sep 1915 | |
EVERED, Arthur | | Wounded | AIB | 9th
Sep 1915 | F: Fred Evered,
Grays, Essex, England | EVERERD,
F | | NZGH,
Pont de Koubbeh | Ak Batt | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
EVEREST, Francis
Edw | | Rptd
missing May 1 to 23 | Otago
Inf Btn | June 17, 1915 | Wm
Everest, Navin St, Kaikorai, Dunedin | EVERETT,
Edmond Cooper | | D.London
11 Sept.Bd Kensal Gr,Ldn | CMR | 23rd
Sep 1915 | F: Louis Everett,
Riwaka, Nelson | EVERETT,
G | | Malta
ex hosp ship Ascanius Aug 31 | Field
Art | 23rd Sep 1915 | |
EVERETT, G | | Bethnal
Green Mil.Hosp, London | Field
Art | 30th Sep 1915 | |
EVERETT, G | | Recovered | Field
Art | 01st Jul 1915 | |
EVERETT, H | | Convalescent,
Alexandria | Cty Batt | 14th
Oct 1915 | |
EVERETT, H | | Wounded,
leg | Cty Batt | 16th
Aug 1915 | |
EVERETT, Herbert | | Wounded,
leg | CIB | 16th
Aug 1915 | F: Louis Everett,
Umukuri, Nelson | EVERISS,
W | | Conv.
At Alexandria | Wgn Batt | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
EVERITT, S C | Sergeant | Died
of fever July 31 | CMR | 12th
Aug 1915 | M: Mrs Elizabeth
Everitt, Amukuri, Nelson | EVES,
A E | | Hospital,
Manchester | OMR | 21st
Oct 1915 | |
EVES, C E | | 21st
GH, Alexandria Sept 5 | CIB | 23rd
Sep 1915 | |
EWART, F J | Private | Convalescent | Ak
Batt | 29th Jul 1915 | |
EWBANK, W | | Convalescent,
Alexandria | Otago Batt | 7th
Oct 1915 | |
EWBANK, Wm | | Wounded,
spinal concussion | OIB | 23rd
Sep 1915 | F: Wm Ewbank,
Wellesley St, Napier | EWINGTON,
F W | Private | KIA | Aus
Forces | 30th Sep 1915 | |
EYES, Crawford
Ernest | | D/D
Alexandria Sept 21 | CIB | 7th
Oct 1915 | Mrs B F Eyes,
Woodville St, St Albans, Christchurch | EYLES,
Thomas | | Rptd
missing May 15 | Cty Inf
Btn | June 17, 1915 | Walter
N Eyles, St Andrews, Blenheim |
January - June, 2001 by Jackie Walles,
New Zealand | July,
2001 | | |