Thomas, Armidale
Allman Wm., Meroo River
Arndell Samuel, Nelson Plains
Arnott Archibald, Peel Diggings
Asherd Jno., Hanging Rock.
Mrs., Avisford
Bagnall Edward, Peel River
Baker Edward, Barraba
Ball Thos., Newcastle
Barratt Thomas, Richmond River
Barry ---, Ipswich
Bassett Samuel, Mudgee
Beard Mrs. H, Ipswich
Birch, Esq., Geo, Hanging Rock
Bishop, Samuel, Ipswich
Blain Mr. Robert, Hinton
Blair Archibald, Callandoon
Blanch, Jno., Meroo River
Bloomfield Sandy, Murrurundi
Booth Jno., Hanging Rock
Braham John, Meroo River
Brenchley Geo., Ipswich
Brettell Mr. Thos., Hanging Rock
Bridge Joseph, Hanging Rock
Brown Mr. E., Hanging Rock
Brown Thos., Newcastle
Buckley Catherine, Maitland
Buchart, Esq., Hy., Clarence River
Burgoine Thos. , Osterly
Burtis Geo., Maitland
Burton Mr. S., Hanging Rock
Bushnell Mr. Archd., Tamworth (4)
Byrne James, Ipswich.
Geo., Hanging Rock
Cameron Dugald, Maitland
Campbell Jno. D., Peel Diggings (4)
Carter Mr. J. C., Bingera Diggings
Cacement Louisa [No location given]
Cash James, Drayton
Cates Mr. Edwd., Hanging Rock
Carroll, Jno., Louisa Creek
Champion, Thos., Newcastle
Chave Frederick, Peel River
Cheeks Catherine, Maitland
Church Thos., Burnett
Clarke Mr. David, Armidale
Clarke Mr. W (2), Hanging Rock
Clarke John, Hanging Rock
Clarke Mr. Moses, Hanging Rock
Climpson Mr. W., Peel Diggings (2)
Cook Mary Ann, Maitland
Collins Thos., Richmond River
Cooper Thos. Niland, Clarence River
Costelloe C. C., East Maitland
Cottereal Thomas, Meroo
Coleman Mr. C. C., Hanging Rock
Cotterill Mrs. Wm., Maitland
Coulborn Jno., Hanging Rock
Cranrus Joseph, Maitland
Crass Isaac, Meroo
Cramer Mr., Newcastle
Crouch Mr. Jno., Jerry’s Plains
Curtis Mr. George (2), Hanging Rock.
Mr. E, Meroo
Day, Thos., Mudgee
Devilin Mr., Newcastle
Donaldson Mr. Henry, Meroo River
Doonen Margaret, Maitland
Donlan Mrs., East Maitland
Dowdle James, Peel River
Doyle John, Hanging Rock
Duffe Miss Mary, Hunter River
Dwyer Patrick, Hanging Rock
Dwyer Michael, Hanging Rock.
John, Hanging Rock
Eibington John, Hanging Rock
Eltherington Robert, Newcastle
Epford Henry, Hanging Rock
Evans Mrs., East Maitland
Eveleigh Mr. Edward, Mudgee
Evidnor Mr., Maitland
Ezzey J., Mudgee (2).
Esq., Chisborough, Gayndah
Fairman Thomas, Mudgee
Fergusson Wm., Mudgee
Field Mr., Murrurundi
Finton William, Hunter River
Fitzpatrick Ann, Maitland
Flarity John, Mudgee
Fokes Sarah, Roland’s Plains, Port Macquarie
Ford James, Ipswich
Foreward John, Mudgee
Fox Patk., Gosforth, West Maitland
Frost William, Hanging Rock
Fry Richard, New England.
Joseph, Hanging Rock
Gardener Mrs., East Maitland
Gardiner Mr., Morpeth
Garling George, Hanging Rock
Gibbs Mrs., Maitland
Gibson John, Mudgee
Gillespie Mrs. Sam, Ash Island
Gilroy Catherine, East Maitland
Gleason Edward, Hanging Rock
Goodman Charles, Peel River
Goodwin Elizabeth, Ipswich
Gore, John, Peel River
Graham Jas., Signal Station, Newcastle (2)
Greentree Robert, Hanging Rock
Griffin Geo., Darling Downs
Grim Mr. T., Hanging Rock
Grohart Anne, Ipswich.
Mary, Maitland
Hain Charles, Hunter River
Hall Mr. John, Hanging Rock
Hall A., Newcastle
Hannaford Mr. J. K., Hanging Rock
Hannah Mr. Walter, Hanging Rock
Hanlihan James, Maitland
Hanness Charles, East Maitland
Hanrahan Samuel, Wollombi
Harding J. S., East Maitland
Harpur John B., Hanging Rock
Harris Mary Anne, West Maitland
Harris Mr. Wm., East Maitland
Haris Mr. Abel, Mudgee
Harris Eliza, East Maitland
Haslingdon Edward, Hanging Rock Diggings
Haslingden Edward, Meroo
Heckman Wm., Hanging Rock
Hedges Mr. Stephen, Paterson River
Henry Martha, Lochinvar, Maitland
Hickey Mr. John, Miller’s Forest, East
Higgins John, wheelwright, Hanging Rock
Hills Joseph, Ipswich
Hirsoorberger Caspar, Armidale
Hoaham Mrs., East Maitland
Hogan John, care H. Cox, Esq., Mudgee
Holestock Thomas, Hunter River
Hopkins M. A., Lower Mudgee
Horrocks Mr. John, Darling Downs
Howell Mrs. Jane, Ipswich
Hubbard Frederick Frisby, Mulberry Creek, Maitland
Hughes W., Warwick
Hughes Mr., Newcastle
Husband James, Hanging Rock.
Innocent George, East Maitland
Innocent George, East Maitland.
Mrs., Maitland
Jones Henry, Jerry’s Plains
Jones Anthony, Peel Diggings
Jones Mrs. H. E., Scone
Joyce William, Meroo.
Mr., Maitland
Kennedy N., Louisa Creek
Keat R., Tenterfield
Kidd Thomas, East Maitland
Kitching Mr. E., Gayndah
Kitchen Mr. R., Hanging Rock
Knight John, Meroo River.
David, Hanging Rock
Laman Mr. Edward C., Hanging Rock
Lambert James, Clarence Town
Lane George, Meroo
Lardner Patrick, Hanging Rock
Ledwell E. J., Newcastle
Leigh William, Hanging Rock
Lennox Thomas, Mudgee
Lewin Richard, Peel River
Lloyd, Esq., John Ellis, Callandoon
Long Mr. E., Raymond Terrace
Luggatt Thomas, Peel River
Ludgeon E., Raymond Terrace
Lupton William, Meroo
Lutton Ann, East Maitland.
Charles, Ipswich
Macley Thomas, Hanging Rock
Macphee John, East Maitland
Madigan Thomas, Mudgee
Mackey, Esq., John, Bingera
Mackinnon Captain Robert, Hanging Rock
Mallam H. G., Maitland
Malone Mr. H., Hanging Rock
Mason Mr. John, Maitland
Matthews Eliza, Maitland
McBride M., Murrurundi
McCutcheon Wm, Hanging Rock
McDonald Mr. Alex., Mudgee
McDonald Richard, Hanging Rock
McDonald Timothy, Maitland
McDonald John, Mudgee
McEvory Gerald, Tamworth
McGrun James, Maitland
McGregor Mr., Peel River
McInnes Mrs. Ann, Glenrook Station
McInery Michael, Morpeth
McLeod Angus, East Maitland
McNamara John, Louisa Creek
Meghir Thomas, Tamworth
Mehan, Esq., Phillip, Ipswich
Merritt James, Newcastle
Middleton Thomas, Maitland Bar
Middleton Thomas H., Armidale
Miller Mrs. John, East Maitland
Miller Mr. W. M., Newcastle
Moor Benjamin, Maitland
Moore Mr. Geo., Newcastle
Morely Samuel, Peel River
Morgan Edward, Hunter River
Morris James, Newcastle
Murphy John, Ipswich
Mutlow Mr., Armidale
Myers Walter, Meroo.
Mr. John, Hanging Rock
Newland Wm., West Maitland
Nicholson Mr. John, Raymond Terrace.
Mrs. E., Morpeth Hotel
Olive Mr. Geo, Peel River
O’Rielly Michael, Maitland.
Mr., Hanging Rock
Price Mrs. Ann, Morpeth
Pugh John, Meroo.
John, Westbrook
Quiney John, Darling Downs
Quinlon Michael, Ipswich.
Ramsay Joseph, Mudgee
Rees Mr. W., Armidale
Ritchen Mr. Robert, Hanging Rock
Ritchie Mr. W., Hanging Rock
Rose Mr. James, Peel River
Ross, Esq., Alexander, Darling Downs
Rourke Mr. Henry, Scone
Ryan Phillip, Morpeth
Ryan Martin, Mudgee
Ryan Martin, Mudgee.
Mr. James, Morpeth
Scott Mr., care of Thomas Grearl, Hanging
Scuttor Mr. Francis,Tamworth
Shannan Mrs., Newcastle
Simpson Mr. H., care Mr. Jenkins, Hanging
Sinclair Edward, Mudgee
Simcock Mr. S., East Maitland
Simcott Mr. Jno., Hanging Rock
Simor, Esq., Lawson, Mudgee
Sherton Mr. William, Maitland
Smith Mrs., West Maitland
Smith Mr. Henry, Mr.. Solomon’s, Peel’s
Smith Mr. Denis, Hanging Rock
Smith Mrs. Sarah, Avisford
Smyth William, Hanging Rock
Smyth Mr. Geo., Hanging Rock
Sneesby Henry, East Maitland
Soward Mr. W., Merriwa
Spark Mr., Scone
Spratt Mr. Thos., West Maitland
Starling Mr. W., Maitland
Stephens John, Meroo River
Stephenson John, Liverpool Plains
Stevens Wm., Maitland (2)
St. John Mr., Hanging Rock
Stone Mr., Hanging Rock
Sullivan Miss C., Ipswich
Sullivan, Esq., B. R., Tamworth
Sullivan Mr. T. O., Maitland
Syon Patrick (3), Hanging Rock.
Esq., James, Paterson
Taylor Joseph, Drayton
Taylor Wm., Maitland
Terry Jas., Peel’s River
Thomas Wm., Louisa Creek
Thornton Mr., butcher, Newcastle
Tonson Mrs., West Maitland
Treasure Mr. J. G., Maitland
Trotter Mr. Samuel, Hanging Rock
Try Mr. George, on board the "Alert",
Newcastle [? May relate to the name above]
Tyne Edmond, West Maitland.
Mrs. J., gardener, Osterley, near Hinton
Villamil Senor D’Emeteris, Meroo
Vincent Mrs., West Maitland
Von Ductertho Wm., Meroo.
Mr. George, Meroo River
Walker Wm., West Maitland
Walsh William, Peel Diggings
Walsh Thomas, or his daughter Mary, East Maitland
Walters Joseph, Peel River
Warne, Esq., J., Grafton
Warley John, Meroo
Wathias Mr. James, East Maitland
Webster Mr. John, Hanging Rock (2)
Wheeland Catherine, Maitland
Whipps James, Hunter River
White Thomas, care of the Commissioner, New
Whitfield Charles, Jerry’s Plains
Whitfield Edwin, Peel River
Whittle John, Mudgee
Whitelaw John, Mudgee (3)
Whitton S., Cooley Camp, Bolwarra
Willooy Edward, care F. Cook, Shoemaker, Tamworth
Wild Mr., tinsmith, East Maitland
Williers Mr. J., Morpeth
Willis Thomas, Muswell Brook
Wilson, Esq., Wm., Richmond River
Winkfield Geo., Hanging Rock.
York John, Mudgee.