Genies' Jottings

and lists
and more lists

Pits and pieces of interest


From:the Southern Cross, Sat 2nd Nov 1844


A stone cottage (4 rooms) in Victoria-street. Detached kitchen and service room; and garden and well of water. Rent £25 per annum. Apply to Thos Outhwaite Esq, solicitor, Auckland. October 25, 1844.

[In handwriting across the bottom of this page is written "The first stone private dwelling erected in Auckland"]

The New Zealander Wednesday 16th June 1858

Port Jackson Lighthouse

A new lighthouse has been erected on the inner South Head at the entrance of Port Jackson. It is described as a bright fixed caloptric light and was to be exhibited from and after 1st June. The sailing direction and all other necessary particulars with reference to this light will be found in the Gazette published in our Supplement of this day.

WEDDING SENSATION - Horses Bolt From Church

A wedding celebrated at St Patrick's Cathedral, Auckland, last week, narrowly escaped a tragic termination. The happy couple had left the church amid a shower of confetti and, accompanied by the two little bridesmaids, were seated in their carriage, when the horses bolted. The driver, who had been closing the carriage door, still held the reins, but turning a corner one of these broke and the carriage careered unchecked, but for the brakes, down the steep slope of Wyndham Street. The sight of the swaying carriage and the galloping horses horrified the wedding guests, whose demonstrations had been primarily responsible for the animals taking fright.

Nearing the bottom of Wyndham Street the carriage narrowly missed some street excavations and dashed across Queen Street. Here, one of the horses slipped and fell,, the other dragging it along until both animals lost their feet and the whole conveyance was brought to a standstill. Another carriage conveyed the bride and bridegroom back to the church but it was some time before they were sufficiently recovered from their alarming experience to continue the festivities.

The horses were not severely injured though one was considerably cut about the legs. [AWN 14.01.1915]

Horses killed in stables

225 horses lost in a fire at J J Craig's stables, Parnell, Auckland. [AWN 29.04.1915]

Attempted Suicide

PARSONS, Mrs Ada Hartnell, about 36 yrs, w/o Matthew PARSONS, an invalid, attempted suicide in Alexandra Street by shooting herself with a revolver. Assoc. names: Mrs Susan WYNNE; Dr COLDICUTT; Acting Detective MAGUIRE
[AWN Thursday 18th March 1915]

Constable Missing

Napier constable, Donald SHAW, a single man, 38 yrs of age, of the Napier Police Force, has been missing since Thursday. Fears for his safety are entertained. [AWN 08.04.1915]


Transcribed: January, 2001 by Jackie Walles, New Zealand


March, 2001