Convict members
Do you recognise any of the persons named below, please email me and complete the details. Some you will find specially mentioned in the Irish Gift ANAL database. The Queen, arriving in 1791 was the first ship to carry Irish convicts. 

Catherine Lucey
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict #? No details if ever arrived 18 years, Co. Kerry, larceny, trial 9.1.1843, 7 yrs; ANAL TR5 P256  Theletters W.A. were written against the name. 

Cannot mean W.A. - Have been advised no female convicts arrived in Western Australia. Thanks Reg. 

Copy Kerry Gaol record held

If you know anything Catherine, please help fill in more details

Daniel Lucey
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict #125 Boyne


40 years, Co. Cork, Sheep steeling, 7 years, 29 March, 1826 

Ref: Convict indents index 
100 661 397 4/4011 

Wife and 3 children, Co. Cork, no education, Catholic, Farmers Labourer, no former convictions, 

5' 1 3/4", Ruddy complexion, brown hair, brown eyes, much hair on the breast. 

Copy held

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Daniel Loony or Lucy
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict #110 Boyne


17 years, Co. Cork, Highway Robbery, Life, 29 March, 1826 

Ref: Convict indents index 
100 661 397 4/4011 

Farmer's boy, no education. 

5' 3", Ruddy complexion, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, no marks. 

Copy held

Ticket of Leave, 35/174 and Conditional Pardon 43/71, January, 1842. 

No connecting information known yet. Please help fill in more details

Daniel Lucey
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict # Eliza II (1)


26 years, Co. Cork, 13.4.1827, pickpocket (?), 7 years 

Ref: Convict indents index 
100 661 397 4/4011 

Ref: Convict indents index 
1258 667 397 4/4012 

Farms man & Herd. 

5' 3 3/4", ruddy, brown hair, ? grey eyes, distinctive marks - bleeding hearts, EL, JL, AW & BB on left arm, DL, ML and JL on right arm 

Do you think they are the initials of his family?

Copy held

No connecting information known yet. Please help fill in more details

Denis Lucey
ID Ship Available details Details on shipping records
Convict #   Tried for murder at Tipperary Town on 23.7.1845, Co. Cork, 

ANAL TR 6 p178 

Cork goal copy held, in the Remarks column appears the word Executed. 

The original sentence DEATH is written followed by two explamation marks and 16th August. 

Dennis Lucey
ID Ship Available details Details on shipping records
Convict #2045 Robert Small


Co. Cork 

ANAL TR 9 p31 
When following up this source - no details were available as the 'Gov. lost records'. 

Follow the link on Robert Small for personal details. 

Cork Goal record and ship's list copy held

Ticket of Leave was granted 29th June, 1854 and Conditional Pardon on 5th July, 1856 (fische). 

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George Lucey
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict #     Mentioned in Col. Sec. papers 8.9.1821 

Reel 6016 p 106 4/5781 

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John Lucey
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict # Bangalore


Tried for sheep stealing Co. Kerry on 6.4.1847 

ANAL TR 6 P 100 

Shipping list not yet sighted

No connecting information known yet. Please help fill in more details

John Lucey
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict #?   Tried 25.7.1850 Co. Cork. Sentenced transportation 3 years bailing within 3 months 

ANAL TR 10 P 42 

Convict ordered to be discharged 20.12.1854

John Lucey
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict #54 




16 years, Tried 11.4.1833, Co. Cork, Robbing car, 7 yrs, prev. sentenced to 6 mths. 

Ref: Convict indents index 
175 706 907 X635 

ANAL TR 9 P 46 

Turner's Boy , R&W, Catholic, 4'101/2", dark complexion, Single, brown hair, brown eyes, scar right eyebrow, grey spot left side of head. 

Copy ship held 

No connecting information known yet. Please help fill in more details

John Lucey
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict # Earl Grey (2) 7 years. 

Ref: folio 27 


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Michael Lucey
ID Ship Available details Details on shipping records
Convict #125 Edward (2)


Co. Cork, stealing clothes from a house, 23 years old. 

Trial date 17.7.1830 

Ref: Convict indents index 
071 678 905 4/4016 
017 696 907 X 633 

Furniture polisher and soldier, Read, Prot, Widower, 1 child 

pockpitted, brown hair, hazel grey eyes, ML on right arm, man, woman, mermaid and wreath on left. 

Copy held.

  It is an assumption that this Mary is this Michael's mother. Mary Lucey, Michael's mother had a petition presented to the authorities, we can assume it was unsuccessful as Michael arrived in New South Wales. Mary stated that she was a penrioner of 6d a day from the 46th Regiment of foot. 

PCC3507, dated 17.10.1830 

    Permission to marry, 19.4.1838, Mary Murray 24, Thomas Harrison, 7 years, Sydney Copy held for Mary's ship.

The death of their son Michael is registered in 1891 at Newtown, NSW. Please help fill in more details

Timothy Lucey
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict #113 Eliza (6)


22 years, Co. Kerry, Sheep stealing, trial 15.3.1832, 7 yrs, no previous convictions. 

Ref: Convict indents index 
1084 683 905 4/4017 

Married, RC, single, Laborer, ploughs, reaps 

5'1 1/2", fair ruddy and freckles, brown hair grey eyes, no marks 

Copy held

No connecting information known yet. Please help fill in more details

Thomas Lucy
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict #? Do not know if he arrived in NSW 40 years, stealing 5 heifers at Co. Fermanagh, trial 1.1.1853 

ANAL TR13 P48 


No connecting information known yet. Please help fill in more details

Thomas Lucy
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict #? Do not know if he arrived in NSW Tipperary, 1816, 7 years  

No connecting information known yet. Please help fill in more details

William or Thomas Lucy
ID Ship Trial details Details on shipping records
Convict #? Do not know if he arrived in NSW 26 years, sheep stealing , Dublin City, Co. Cork, trial 1837, 10 years 


Alias Ducey 


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Last updated: September, 1999