There's many a story to tell . . .
Masters, crew, a stowaway or two; passengers, cabin, saloon and steerage; births at sea, deaths at sea; deserters; vessels with one crew and one passenger and those with 70 crew and hundreds of passengers; simple single sail boats, barques, brigs, large steam ships; whaling voyages, regular coastal passenger trips, voyages from other Australian ports, London, San Francisco, China and other exotic ports - you will find them all here.
Follow these links to vessel, crew and passenger activity ...
The Shipping Gazette & Sydney Trade Journal shipping columns
The Auckland News and Southern Cross shipping columns
Mariners and fare-paying passengers into Sydney from Records NSW
Some Newcastle records from Records NSW reels
If you know the Vessel name you are seeking but not the date - try theIndex to Vessels Arrived into Sydney from 1837 to 1925
Genies Jottings - Lists and lists and more lists - some N.Z. / Australian shipping included.
Search facilities are available for each of the above areas, and I am working toward providing one search for all, as usual it is a matter of time :-)

Please be free to drop me a line:
with good news
you found 'your' someone
comment on the site
offer assistance
or offer to transcribe some lists
Remember to bookmark
to navigate your
return easily!